
Základní škola Brno

Horácké náměstí 13
62100 Brno

General description

Our school is located in Brno. Over 800 pupils attend our school, and they are cared for by 55 teachers, 28 teaching assistants and 9 tutors. Dalton Principles has been part of our teaching since 1997. The school has been a member of Dalton International since 2007. Dalton education significantly impacts the atmosphere of the whole school and also the relations between teachers and pupils. We are trying to share our experiences with future teachers during our collaboration with Masaryk University. Our teachers regularly attend Dalton education conferences, not only as participants but also as lecturers.

Key players

Iva Malicharkova

I have been accompanied by Dalton education and its principles most of my teaching practice. Cooperation, responsibility, and autonomy should be a part of everyone's daily life, just as the ability to enjoy each day.

Specific for this school

The principles of Dalton education resonate with our school's philosophy: "To be a place where we all feel safe and evolve ourselves."

International Dalton Schools